Supercell's Clash of Clans Update: Cheating in Clan Wars; Bug Fix to Come

Clash of Clans
Latest in Clash of Clans September 2016 update

Supercell's popular mobile game, Clash of Clans received their big update in December, and recent one in March with new defense levels, a bowler character, and some bug fixes.  It may be that we will see another one in the near future, and that is because of Clan War cheaters.  Have you experienced cheaters in the Clan War? Here's how to recognize them, and what you should do if you come across the cheaters.

Cory Gunther from GottaBeMobile discussed their experience with a clan who cheated during a recent Clan War battle.  All of the bases in the clan were decoys during the preparation period, and all of them were changed at the last minute before the war started- which isn't cheating in itself. People use this strategy to frustrate the opponents who have taken the time to strategize their battle by scouting the base during the prep period. This may force the opponents to have to come up with a whole new army. The cheating part starts when the actual war and attacks begin.

They said that it's hard to tell when people are cheating sometimes, because it looks very similar to the many players who use the strategic tactics to get an edge, but there are some clues that will be a dead giveaway. There are Clan War cheat tools that save the information of a battle once an attack starts- even those that last for five seconds. The tool will say what's in the Clan Castle, where the Hidden Teslas are located, and also where traps and bombs and such are located.

When a 25 on 25 Clan War begins, cheaters can be spotted when the bottom 20 all attack the top 10 players in the Clan. They'll waste an attack by drawing out Clan Castle troops and end the battle, or use a few cheap troops like archers or barbarians to test out a base.

Right after that, they'll have a higher level player attack and of course they will be able to 3- star the base easily. If you see a few quick 0-3% attacks, and then a 3 star attack, you might be seeing some cheaters.

There is also software that allows players to upload base designs into software that will find the perfect attack strategy with all the traps exposed. Finally, at the end of the timer, the entire clan attacks at once, and almost all player gets 3 stars or above 90 percent scores.

It can be one thing for clans to strategize these kinds of techniques fairly, but using the software is unfair, and will make people not want to play anymore.

Since people on Reddit and the Clash of Clans forums are bringing up this subject more, Supercell has stated that they are taking action against the cheaters using software. They are also "working on a permanent solution, which will be rolled out in some days."  They encourage users to report unfair practices, which you can do by clicking on the gears to go to settings, and use the "contact us" or "help and support" buttons to contact them. You'll want to know the user names or Clan Tag # of the cheaters, and take screenshots.

Have you experienced cheaters in Clash of Clans? Let us know in the comments! No discussions or links of how to cheat. We want the game to be enjoyable for everyone!