Tekken 7 Fated Retribution News, Trailer: Street Fighter's Akuma Announced As First New In-Game Character

Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Screenshot Youtube

During the recent 2015 King of Iron Fist Tekken 7 Tournament, Bandai Namco revealed awesome fighting game news. One of the most popular Street Fighter characters is now belonged at the Tekken 7 roster of fighters, GameSpot reported.

Akuma, or Gouki as he is known as in Japan, is the first character addition to the Tekken 7: Fated Retribution.

The fighter comes with improved default character outfits, revitalized battles and "stage appearances."

The game developer teased fighting game fans in a released trailer, which shows Akuma's skills and story. The video starts with a voice-over that explains how war is just over the horizon. After that, it features series' antagonist Heihachi Mishima's wife Kazumi pleading to a shadowy figure to kill Heihachi if she dies.

The video cuts to a recognizable silhouette of a muscled fighter, and then Akuma showed on the screen with his trademark "Ten" kanji. A screen cap in video wrote "This fight will change everything," and then a bunch of other fan-favorite characters are paraded out one by one.

The trailer also exhibited Akuma's fighting moves and combos, including Gahoduken, Goshoryuken, hurricane kicks and his Raging Demon combo.

Players familiar with the games released by Banda Namco might remember an announced crossover fighting game, Street Fighter xTekken, way back in 2010. The Street Fighter x Tekken was released in March 2012, while Tekken X Street Fighter is still in the development stage, according to an IGN report.

Katsuhiro Harada, game producer and director of Bandai Namco, said the crossover game is "pretty far into development."

Nevertheless, the addition of Akuma to Tekken 7 is a big step to show how Bandai Namco would create Street Fighter Characters in the 3D style of gameplay in Tekken, specifically in Fated Retribution game.

Akuma has long been perceived as an antagonist in the Street Fighter series. He was trained under Gouken, which is also the master of Ken and Ryu. Akuma uses the Shotokan style of karate, and he is powered with demonic force known as Satsui no Hado.

TheTekken 7: Fated Retribution update will be available for the arcade version of the game in Japan. Its PlayStation 4 version is still under development, according to GameSpot, but it is currently slated to release in Japan.

In a game review from IGN, it says Tekken 7: Fated Retribution returns to the the gameplay roots with classic 1 vs 1 bouts and a canon storyline centered on the eternal struggle for power amongst the members of the Mishima clan. The game also comes with a newcomer Kazumi Mishima to join the war.

The Tekken franchise recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Watch Tekken 7's Akuma trailer below: