Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared Sunday, Sept. 3 a Day of Prayer in the state and reminded Texans that the "greatest power that exists is the power of God" in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
On Thursday, the Republican governor and Vice President Mike Pence visited First Baptist Church in Rockport, a church severely damaged when Harvey landed last Friday.
Addressing those gathered at the church, Abbott promised that Texas will "rise again and we will rebuild this great town and the affected areas across the entire state of Texas."
"As we gather today here at this church, it's important that we remember that the greatest power that exists is the power of God, and the way that God can touch and move all of our lives," he said. "It was God acting through the lives of so many Texans who came to the rescue of other Texans. It was the power of God that was able to pull people out of the water and literally save them."
"As a result of that, I think it's very important that I issue and sign a Texas Gubernatorial Proclamation here today. By the power vested in me as the Governor of the State of Texas, I am declaring this Sunday, Sept. 3, as a Day of Prayer in Texas."
This Sunday, Abbott said, will be a day to pray for all those affected by Hurricane Harvey, including the first responders and volunteers who are helping others.
"We will pray regardless of what faith or church or what background you might have," Abbott said. "We will pray as one united people for the future of this state and future of this country. For healing and for hope. For rebuilding, and for the next great generation of Texans."
Reads the proclamation, in part: "Throughout our history, Texans have been strengthened, assured and lifted up through prayer...it is right and fitting that the people of Texas should join with their fellow residents and with others from across the country and around the world to seek God's wisdom for ourselves and our leaders and ask for His merciful intervention and healing in this time of crisis."
"I urge Texans of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds to offer prayers on that day for the safety of our first responders, public safety officers, and military personnel, healing of individuals, rebuilding of communities and the restoration of the entire region struck by this disaster," it concludes.
Abbott's proclamation also praises Texans for remaining "strong throughout this ordeal, with neighbor helping neighbor by wading into the flood waters or sorting through wind damage to rescue fellow Texans."
"The people of Texas are grateful for the outpouring of support and resources from around the country and around the world that have been sent to Texas to assist with the damage as we begin the process of healing and rebuilding," it says.
Parts of Texas remain under inches of floodwater after Hurricane Harvey hit on Friday, ravaging the Gulf Coast with storm surges, flash flooding and devastating winds along the coast and further inland.
So far, Harvey has claimed at least 39 lives and forced more than 1 million people from their homes in Texas, making it the strongest hurricane to hit the United States since Charley in 2004.
According to reports, more than 325,000 people have applied for federal disaster assistance because of Harvey, and more than 37,000 people remain in emergency shelters.