'The Bachelor' With Ben Higgins Episode 4: What Happens in Vegas; ABC Recap and Spoilers

Bachelor Ben and Becca
Ben and Becca on their one on one date while in Vegas ABC

There's a "weird vibe" at the mansion, and the girls aren't liking that Olivia and Jubilee are still in the house.

Chris comes in to inform the girls that Ben is no longer in Los Angeles.

"He has moved on to the marriage capital of the world." They're going to Las Vegas.

"Ladies, welcome to Las Vegas. Can't wait to see you. Ben." is written in lights on the Aria.

First Date

JoJo gets the first date card.

"You set my heart on fire. Ben"

Olivia says,"I'm zen with Ben." She's still reeling from last week when he used her for leverage to stand up and squeezed her waist.

Twins Haley and Emily are shown walking on the treadmill talking about how they do everything together- even a one on one date together. They'll make it happen.

JoJo and Ben get a helicopter ride. As the helicopter lands to pick them up, the wind from the blades knocks over the table and their alcohol. They hide behind the table and take this moment to kiss, making all the girls watching super jealous.

As they are talking during their date, JoJo brings up trust issues from her past relationship (which ended five months ago) that has made her cautious about opening up her heart, but Ben, of course, makes her feel comfortable. She gets the date rose. They watch fireworks from the top of the MGM Grand- giving the girls even more to be jealous about. Olivia feels that Ben is cheating on her.

Group Date

Amanda, Jubilee, Caila, Lauren B., Amber, Haley, Emily, Leah, Lauren H., Jennifer, Rachel and Olivia get this date. They go with Ben to meet Terry Fator. Ben wants to find a woman who "doesn't take herself too seriously." Ladies, you get to make a fool out of yourself on t.v.(get used to it)! Emily and Haley are happy that they have taken dance classes. Jubilee plays the cello. Olivia is ready to do whatever it takes to stand out to Ben. Terry surprises them all by saying that they are going to open for his show this night.

Haley and Emily do an Irish dance, there is juggling, hula hooping, a chicken singing about Ben's mansion "R-O-S-E, Rose!" Olivia jumps out of a cake in a showgirl costume, and there was some awkward dancing and shaking, which brought some laughs all around. Ben looked a little scared.

After the show, the girls are celebrating, but Olivia starts having a panic attack. After a while of sobbing in the bathroom and talking about how embarrassed she was, and how Ben's hug felt more like "a pity hug"(as opposed to the marriage material hug she felt the last episode), Olivia manages to come out and talk to Ben. He reassures her that it wasn't bad at all, just before they are interrupted by another girl, which leaves Olivia feeling weird and still unsure of herself. She needs to see him again, and interrupts another girl to blabber on and on to him again about how she feels like they didn't have the best conversation. He gives her a kiss, and that makes her feel better.

The group date rose validates something Ben "feels confident in," and he gives it to Lauren B.

One on One Date

Package delivery for Becca. "Get dressed, it's a big day." She pulls out a WEDDING DRESS. A few comments are made about her virginity from the other girls(behind her back, of course). A blurred out face drives her to a wedding chapel in Vegas in a pink Cadilac. Ben gets down on his knee and asks her to marry... other people with him today. Apparently, Ben got ordained to be able to perform the ceremonies for other people.

After marrying a variety of couples, Becca and Ben spend some time at the Neon Museum- a place where old signs in Vegas get a new life. They talk more about Becca's virginity, and how she has made this commitment because of her beliefs. And then they kiss. They make vows to each other. Cue collective "awwwww!" More kissing ensues.

Two on One Date

Surprise! For the first time in Bachelor history, Ben will date twin sisters at once. The girls are from Vegas, so Ben decides now would be a good time to do a hometown date, and maybe make his decision a little easier by getting rid of one of the identical twins.

Haley shows Ben her "messy" room. She is embarrassed by the pictures of her old boyfriends still sitting out on her dresser. Emily throws her sister under the bus-saying that Emily wants it more than her twin! Ben talks with their mom about how hard it is for him to treat them both as people he is dating. Mom makes it a little easier for him to decide by telling him that Emily is the more dominant twin and Haley is "a thousand percent" in once she lets her guard down. Ben decides that he is going to keep Emily and say goodbye to Haley. At least Mom is there(and the dogs) to give Haley support as she has been rejected. Emily and Ben go back in the limo.

Back at the hotel, Oliva talks about wanting one on one time, but Jen jumps in before she gets the chance to say anything to Ben. Olivia jumps in and interrupts them after only a few minutes. The girls are ticked off with her. She brings Ben cake; I guess to remind him of her talent of jumping out of the cake. Ben tells her to stop apologizing. She's back to reading between the lines and knows things are on the up and up. She proceeds to take her re-found assuredness, and rubs it in JoJo's face.

Rose Ceremony

JoJo, Lauren B. and Becca can rest easy with their earlier obtained roses. Ben gives the rest to Amanda, Lauren H., Jubilee, Emily, Caila, Jennifer, Leah, and (he's saving the best for last?)Olivia. There just has to be something about keeping the drama around for entertainment for a while in the contract. I just know it.

Amber and Rachel are the ones to go home. It looks like Amber's second chance on the Bachelor just isn't meant to be.   

Next Week

The previews showing them heading to Mexico, and the girls AND Ben are working it on the catwalk- looks like a modeling show. Jubilee blows up with Ben and "feels like the most unloveable person in the world." It looks like Olivia might be getting called out for something.