Watch Dogs 2 Release Date, Gameplay And New Features

Watch Dogs 2.
Watch Dogs 2 releases on November 15 Ubisoft

During E3 2016, Ubisoft announced the sequel of its techno-thriller game. The next installment in Watch Dogs franchise is said to feature plenty of new weapons, gadgets and huge map. There's also new hero named Marcus Holloway. Now, here's what is currently known about Watch Dogs 2 release date, gameplay, new features and rumors.

CNET reported players can still pick-up normal guns and shoot people -- but it is optional. That's because Holloway is not just a hacker, he can also create his weapons by using 3D printer. He has an ability to create extremely sophisticated spy gadgets that can sneak into a target location. For example, he has two-wheeled rover than can leap over obstacles and hack into systems. He is also equipped with drones that can mark enemies from the sky.

Speaking of drones, it is one of the best ways to monitor the city. A report from VG247 says drones also play a role in missions. It can be used to spy enemies and hack machines. It is one of the most interesting gadgets in the game because of its ability to see the city from bird's eye view.

Furthermore, the world map in Watch Dogs 2 is very huge. Players can also expect to see the game franchise's hacking mechanic. There are more options in the menus and a bunch of new hackable objects.

However, GameSpot said Watch Dogs 2 won't feature Ubiosft's map-unlocking towers. This feature has been an integral part of missions in Far Cry, Assassin's Creed, and Crew. Even the original Watch Dogs used the map-unlocking feature.

In the previous Watch Dogs, players move around by completing story missions to open up different areas. Within those areas, players would climb towers to synchronize new areas and unlock new activities.

Ubisoft creative director Jonathan Morin told in Eurogamer that Watch Dogs 2 will not have towers. Players just have to explore the world.

Morina also stated players can unlock more activities by gaining followers for hacking collective DedSec. New followers will be needed to execute big operations. At the start of the game, the full map will be available, so players have to roam around to gain more followers.

Ubisoft has not yet revealed if the entire game is playable in co-op, but it is reported the game's co-op missions can be completed solo.

Watch Dogs 2 will be released for PC, Xbox One and PS4 on November 15. It is now available for pre-order at Uplay, Steam and Xbox Store