What is the Word of the Lord for 2017? Here Are Some Prophetic Revelations

Door with Key
Open door with key Wikimedia Commons

“The Year of the Breakthrough,” “The Destiny Year for Pioneers” and “A Comeback Year” are among the prophetic revelations released by ministers for the year 2017.

One of the most awaited prophetic revelations each year is from Cindy Jacobs of Generals International. While she often releases the prophecy in the early part of the year, Jacobs published the Word of the Lord for 2017 on Dec. 29, just a few days before 2016 ended.

According to Jacobs, God’s revelation to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders is that 2017 is “The Year of the Breakthrough.” Based on Scripture, the number 17 symbolizes victory and overcoming the enemy, she explained, and victory will come about as God’s people turn to Him in repentance and turn their backs on sin.

The year will also be marked with “a significant increase in miracles and signs and wonders.”

“The anointing will be so strong that it will break significant and long-standing strongholds that have plagued people's lives,” Jacobs wrote, citing Isaiah 10:27.

“For the Lord says, ‘My people are entering into an overcoming season that will produce great breakthroughs. For the enemy has come in like a flood, but I, the Lord, am releasing great victories. I will stem the tide of violence. I will bring peace to the land. I will bring an awakening! I will release revival!’” she wrote.

Bishop Bill Hamon, founder of Christian International Ministries and a recognized prophet in the international body of Christ, said the year 2017 is a year of “open doors, opportunities and advancement through God’s World War III weapons.”

He said the word is based on Christ’s letter to the Philadelphia Church in the book of Revelation, where Jesus said, “Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut (Rev. 3:8).”

Bishop Hamon said the word is “directed mainly to those who have ears to hear what Christ is saying to His Church, who are walking in all presently restored truth and have volunteered to be a warrior in God’s newly activated, offensive and powerful army called ‘God’s World War III.’”

“Right now, God is searching for soldiers of the cross who are willing to volunteer for God’s WWIII offensive army,” Bishop Hamon said. “Jesus is looking for those who have level-four heart soil (Mt.13:23), which has been purged from all weed-seed attitudes. They are righteous and fearless for they have attained to level three of the overcomers—‘they love not their lives unto death’ (Rev.12:11).”

The word that God gave to Australian minister Lana Vawser is that the year 2017 will be a “destiny year” for pioneers.

On her Facebook page, Vawser wrote that the enemy has released a “very strategic assignment” meant to cause discouragement to pioneers—those whom God has called to “new lands, new pathways, new strategy from heaven”—and make them give up.

“The very reason that there has been such turbulence, such heaviness, such confusion and dread coming against many of the Pioneers is BECAUSE.... Pioneers this is your DESTINY YEAR!!! You will not know the TERROR OF THE NIGHT anymore, but a freedom, healing and shift that will take you deeper in relationship with Him and release the perfect peace that is yours in Christ!” Vawser said.

“Pioneers, doors are going to open to you in 2017 for your DESTINY that are going to be greater than your wildest dreams, bigger than what you have ever expected and the PROVISION will be MORE than you have believed for. (Ephesians 3:20),” she added.

Vawser also emphasized that the enemy has sent a spirit of division to cause dissension among pioneers, but if they stand in unity, God will multiply them. God will also give them “greater support networks.”

Dr. Sandie Freed, author, international speaker and pastor at Lifegate Church International, said the present year will be marked by an “Elijah-Elisha Revolution,” in which the mentored (Elishas) will be released in the minisry with a double portion anointing, and they will become the mentors (Elijahs) who will then train others to become Elishas.

“A strong mentoring anointing is occurring once again. Fathers will not be simply religious leaders, but rather true spiritual fathers. Servants in the house of the Lord will become true sons,” Freed said. “As a result of this, great manifestations of God's power will be demonstrated and the future generations will rise up with incredible passion to serve the Lord and advance the Kingdom of God.”

Finally, Jane Hamon, pastor at Christian International, said 2017 is “a comeback year,” which indicates “a resurgence of good times, revival and times of victory” and an intensified period of divine reversals in which God will turn things around for His people.

“It is going from a position of being broken down to a position of breaking through! This is a year to see setbacks turn into comebacks!” Hamon said. “It’s a time to see every curse reversed, the plans of the enemy upset and dead dry bones coming back to life!”

“We will see a comeback in our nation, in our economy and of the voice the church has to impact culture and shape the world. This year the authority of the prophetic Voice of God will make a comeback to challenge us all to rise to new demonstrations of miracles and the supernatural and to occupy new places of authority,” she said.