'Wonder Woman' Will Be Different from All Superhero Movies, Says Chris Pine

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman Twitter/Gal Gadot

Can "Wonder Woman" be the female-oriented superhero movie people have been wishing for through the years? While fans need to wait until 2017 to find out, Chris Pine, who plays Steve Trevor or Wonder Woman's love interest, is positive that the movie will indeed be a success because of the character's feminine qualities. 

Many are already anticipating what "Wonder Woman" will bring when it is finally showed in 2017. As early as now, many wonder if a female-fronted superhero movie can truly be different from other superhero movies, where aggressive male superheroes act as the leads and females, even with their kick-ass powers, remain on the sidelines as supporting characters. According to Pine, "Wonder Woman" will be different from the mainstream superhero movies not only because it will be able to show women can be as good as men in being superheroes. It will be different because Wonder Woman has uniquely "feminine qualities" that make her a great superhero. Male superheroes will not be able to compare. 

With females being naturally more compassionate, the story line of "Wonder Woman" and plots will naturally be different. Gone are the days when superheroes are all about good guys with some issues seeking revenge on the bad guys, Chris Pine revealed. In his appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!, he said, "...With men at the helm it's always a revenge cycle thing -  we're gonna get the bad guys and the bad guys are defeated..."

He added that "Wonder Woman" will be different and "lovely," because fans will be treated to "more compassion and love at the center of the story." For him, that is a breakthrough because it might reveal to viewers the importance of less aggression and more love. 

While fans still have to wait until next year to see what Pine is taking about, some spoilers and details have already been revealed with regard Wonder Woman and who she truly is. According to Empire magazine, "Wonder Woman" is actually 5,000 years old. In an interview with the magazine, director Zack Snyder, actress Gal Gadot, and producer Deborah Snyder all provided tidbits on what to expect from the character by detailing her role in the upcoming "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice," which is set to show in March. Aside from her age, it is revealed that because she lived for such a long time already and had amassed a lot of experiences, it is going to be extra challenging for her to come back and fight. 

"Wonder Woman" is slated for nationwide release on June 23, 2017. Those who cannot wait can catch a glimpse of her in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice," which opens on March 25, 2016.